
First 4 remarks:

At this moment registration is only possible for children who are at a Dutch School.  
When situation change we will adjust the text on this page. 
Please register elsewhere.
Because of DIDACTIC reasons:
-I teach in a group of 3 Dutch speaking.
-I teach in a group of 3 English speaking.
-I do not teach in a group mixed speaking.
We always have a waitinglist.
The waitingtime for placement in a group of 3 English speaking is always the longest.
We only have 2 time slots for them = only room for 6 children.
When I just placed new children on this slot, it will take at least 2 years before the spots come open again. See “duur van de opleiding” on the website.
Please reckon with the following.
All contact and information (verbal, e-mail, website, etc.) is done in Dutch.
In case this is a problem for you, please registrate at a swimschool that is adjusted for English speaking/reading parents.
Remark 4
-Registration is from 4 years till 6 years.
-swimlessons are from age 5 years (when we have possibility).
-All contact is done by e-mail, therefore no telephone number on our website.



1. VISITORS [expand title=”Read more” swaptitle=”Read less”]

• You choose for a small scaled practise at home with limited space (it is not a large public swimpool with large space).
 My entire swimschool (swimpool, waitingroom, parking place, etc. ) is set to a maximum of 3 swimpupils per lesson.
• The accomodation offers room to a limited amount of visitors. Because of this the following:
• Maximum 1 adult visitor per swimpupil.
• In case you really can not organise it differently the following:

  – the adult above can take along maximum 1 brother OR 1 sister.
  – The 6 Eames Lounge chairs are for the adults (3 for the current lesson plus 3 for the next lesson).
     You can seat your child on a childrens chair or at your lap, not on the armrest.
  – A child (no matter what age) counts as 1 visitor 
 In case of a larger number of visitors the accommodation will be too crowded.
The following is not ment unkindly: When you think that you can not fit in the number of visitors structural, then please register at a large public swimpool designed to accomodate large numbers of visitors.”

To avoid that the accommodation is too full please reckon with the following:
– Do not arrive in the accommodation much too early.

– Do not “stick” too long in the accommodation.
When you arrive in the accommodation 10 minutes before the lesson starts, than you are in time.
The children are allowed to enter the swimpool 5 minutes before the lesson starts (not earlier), this is to keep the lesson of the previous group calm.
In case you are much too early, please wait in your car or when the weather is nice at the seats in front of the accomodation. 

*) To illustrate:
-15.30 hours: 9 persons
1 swimpupil + 1 adult + 1 brother OR 1 sister= 3 persons x 3 (because 3 children swimming in a group)

-16.00 hours = 9 persons. During changes/overlap of 2 lessons there can be present 2 x 9 = 18 persons
-16.30 hours = 9 persons. During changes/overlap of 3 lessons there can be present 3 x 9 = 27 persons

A child always accompanied by an adult in our accommodation (waitingroom, patio, front porch, parking place, etc.).

“our waitingroom towards the exit/entrance”

“our waitingroom towards the corridor with dressing cabins and the pool” 

“kinderstoeltje bij een tafeltje, naast een Eames Lounge chair”[/expand]

2. PARKING [expand title=”Read more” swaptitle=”Read less”]
You choose for a small scaled practise at home with limited parking space (it is not a large public pool with large parking space.
On our parking place we have room for 3 cars of the current lesson, plus 3 cars of the next lesson.
To avoid that the parking place is too full please reckon with the following:
– Do not arrive at the parking place much too early.
– Do not “stick”too long in our waitingroom/at our parking place.
In case you are much too early, than please wait in the street in your car, untill a car of the previous group leaves. 

-At privat Parking terrain “Raephorst” service appartments (see the signboards on their terrain).
-At neighbors (drives of neighbors).
-At spots on our parking terrain where you hinder other cars. When everybody parks as indicated, no one will be blocked.

Below our parking system. You will also receive our parking system as an enclosure (“who parks where?“) when your child is actually placed at our swimschool.

In case someone else brings or picks up your child, please inform him/her about our parkingsystem.

ons parkeerterreintje” 
Links – voor de struiken en houten poort – 3 auto’s naast elkaar (rode pijlen).
Hier parkeren de auto’s als de les op het HALVE uur start: 9.30 uur, 10.30 uur, ……….. 15.30 uur, 16.30 uur enz.

“ons parkeerterreintje
Rechts – op de oprit – ruimte voor 3 auto’s achterelkaar (gele pijl).
Hier parkeren de auto’s als de les op het HELE uur start: 9.00 uur, 10.00 uur, ………… 16.00 uur, 17.00 uur enz.

Aan de rechterkant van de weg nummer 23C

Aan de linkerkant van nr. 23C liggen 2 grote zwerfkeien.
Herkenningspunt, maar ook een obstakel waar al tegenaan is gereden. [/expand]

If someone else brings/picks up your child, please inform the other person about the relevant points. 
Please keep in mind that we have 3 examen rounds a year and 3 times a year new children, parents and accompanies.  [/expand]

4. CONDITIONS CONCERNING PAYMENT  [expand title=”Read more” swaptitle=”Read less”]
Payment is only by automatic invoice. Payment is done beforehand and every month. Refunds of fee of missed lessons are not possible, nor with sickness. However you can make use of my service of catching up lessons. (click her for more info about the service)
The lessonfee is based on the number of lessons in a particular month, therefore the charge can differ per month.[/expand]

5. NOTICE OF ABSENCE / CANCELLING A LESSON [expand title=”Read more” swaptitle=”Read less”] 
See “client login” (no login code needed) for detailed explanation about “notice of absence” or click here 

6. CATCH UP A LESSON  [expand title=”Read more” swaptitle=”Read less”]
– Under certain conditions you have a right to catch up a lesson.
– In case you satisfy the conditions mentioned, a catch up lesson is without costs.
See “client login” (no login code needed) for detailed explanation about “a catch up lesson” or click here  [/expand]

7. BOOK AN EXTRA LESSON  [expand title=”Read more” swaptitle=”Read less”]
– It is possible to book an extra lesson.
– The costs of an extra lesson are the same of the costs of a regular lesson.
An extra lesson is not without obligation. In case of an extra lesson the conditions are the same of the conditions of a regular lesson. See point 5. notice of absence and point 6. catch up lesson.
See “client login” (no login code needed) for detailed explanation about “an extra lesson” or click here   [/expand]

8. REGISTRATION FEE  [expand title=”Read more” swaptitle=”Read less”]
When your child is actually placed at my swim school the registration-fee will be done by the first payment by automatic invoice. The registration-fee is the same amount as a regular lesson in a group of 3 children.[/expand]

9. EXAM FEE [expand title=”Read more” swaptitle=”Read less”]
To take part on the exam, exam-fee must be paid. In time you will get an e-mail in which the amount of the exam-fee will be mentioned. The exam-fee also will be done by automatic invoice.[/expand]

10. WHEN CLOSED [expand title=”Read more” swaptitle=”Read less”]See “client login” (no login code needed) for “our closing dates” or click here So please check the dates on this website.

ATTENTION please read the remark a. up untill g.

a) Closingdates are subject to change 

b)In the Netherlands the schoolholidays vary:
-Per region (North, Middle and South).
-Sometimes per Municipality in the same region. Sometimes per school in the same Municipality.
And also the schoolholidays of  Britsh School, American School, International School etc. can vary.

c) Most large (municipality) pools are open during Dutch schoolholidays. 

d) My swimschool is closed certain periodes, but not per definition all schoolholidays. . It is possible that my closingdates are the same as the school holiday of your child, but it can differ.

e) In case you go on holiday when we are open, than please send us an notification of absence.

f) Please reckon with the following (part of our conditions) For the children who do not go to a Dutch school, please reckon with the following. We can not be hold responsable for the consequences this can bring, concerning catch up lessons, exam training, exams, etc. 

g) When my swimschool is closed the fee for swimming lessons is not charged. The lessonfee is based on the number of lessons in a particular month, therefore the charge can differ per month. [/expand]

11. ENDING THE SWIMMING LESSONS (NOTICE PERIOD)  [expand title=”Read more” swaptitle=”Read less”]
Cancelling the lessons should be done by e-mail or a written letter.
The term of notice is 1 calender month.
Cancellation is only possible per 1 st of the month.
Example: When you want to stop the 1st of October, than at the latest let us know the 31th of August, that you want to stop the 1st of October. ( 1 September to 30 September is than the 1 calender month notice.)[/expand]

12. PACE OF MATTER DURING THE EXAM  [expand title=”Read more” swaptitle=”Read less”]
-My exam is with a small group of children.
-No scenes with mass examinated children and with a limit of visitors.
– Our exams are private and we work with a guestlist.
-The exam is only accessible for the examinted children from my swimschool nd for the  people whose names are on the guestlist.

13. SPECTATORS DURING THE EXAM [expand title=”Read more” swaptitle=”Read less”]
To keep the small-scale and quiet character of my private swimming school also at the C exam in (mostly) swimpool “Overbosch” or swimpool “the Waterthor”,  I employ a restriction on the maximum number of pool spectators, this since 1997.  
-maximum 2 spectators parents per examinted child.
-a child is counted as 1 person.
– No children under the age of 6 years as spectator.
-A young child can distract the examinated children and can be annoying for other spectators. A swim exam is a long “sit” for a young child.
-During my exam you will notice that it is precisely these small scale contributes to a relaxed atmosphere for the children who do the exam.
-The second aspect is that the parents can sit front row to watch the proceedings of their child.
-The third aspect is that at each exam we have children who dislikes the large amount of spectators.
-The fourth and additional advantage of a manageable number of visitors is the speed of an eventual evacuation in an emergency. [/expand]


14. ABOUT WAITING DURING THE SWIMLESSON [expand title=”Read more” swaptitle=”Read less”]

  • You can wait in the waitingroom with comfortable lounge chairs for the parents.
    • If the weather is nice you can sit outside at the patio, here also comfortable outside-chairs for the parents.
    • You can use our WIFI and you can load your phone-battery. Please bring your own phone-cable.
    • For coffee-fans: We have fresh bean Illy coffee from a Jura machine.
    • You can see how your child is doing via the TV in our waitingroom.
    Because of didactic reasons the lessons are without parents/brother/sister around the pool and also without parents/brother/sister/etc.behind the door-of-glas that gives entrance to the pool. This distracts the children who are having swimlessons and is a waist of the effective teachingtime.
    To be clear, you are always allowed to look into the pool, momentarily, from the door-of-glas. nothing is behind shut doors.
  • A child always accompanied by an adult in our accommodation (waitingroom, patio, etc.).

    “Op het scherm is het zwembad te zien en kunt u de verrichtingen van uw kind volgen.
    Aan het eind van de gang, de glazen toegangsdeur naar het zwembad.”

    “de patio bij zonnig/droog weer”                                                                      

    “het overdekte voorportaaltje” [/expand]

15. START AND ENDING OF THE LESSON [expand title=”Read more” swaptitle=”Read less”]
The duration of a lesson is 30 minutes and start and end on time.

16. PACE OF MATTER DURING CHANGING CLOTHES / DRESSING [expand title=”Read more” swaptitle=”Read less”]
. The dressingcabins are in the waitingroom.
    For privacy reasons each child has his/her own dressingcabin, which can be locked from inside.
    The clothes and other belongings can stay in the dressingcabin.
.  Please wring out wet swimclothes above the washstand not above the floor.
   There are no drains in the dressingcabins.This way the floor stays reasonable dry.
.  Some young children need a lot of time to dress themselves. In this case, please help your young child with dressing,     so there will be a dressincabin for the next children (and parking space for the next group of cars).

“Gang met kleedhokjes”

“kleedhokje van binnen” 


17. SWIM CLOTHES OF YOUR CHILD DURING SWIM LESSON [expand title=”Read more” swaptitle=”Read less”]
For an optimal learningproces please do not let your child wear wide fitting long swimgwear. This has an enormous slowing down functioning that may hinder the movements in the water. Therefore I advise to wear a “old-fashion” swimtrunks or swimsuit/bikini. [/expand]

18 HYGIENE [expand title=”Read more” swaptitle=”Read less”]
. It is compulsory to shower,  in swimwear, under the shower near the pool before entering the water.
. Please don’t dispose faeces- and/or urine-nappies in the garbage bins in our practice. Not even if they are in a plastic bag. Please dispose used nappies in the big grey container outside. [/expand]

19. SAFETY [expand title=”Read more” swaptitle=”Read less”]
. When your child comes wet out of the pool, please see to it that he or she doesn’t enter the waitingroom, otherwise
  the floor gets wet and slippery and one can slip. It is the intention that wet children do not pass over the long blue  mat.
. Please see to it that the patio-door is on one of the hooks or is closed. This to prevent slamming. 

“Via blauwe droogloopmat van en naar het zwembad” [/expand]

20. HANDLE OF OUR BELONGINGS  [expand title=”Read more” swaptitle=”Read less”]
. Please do not carry tables and chairs from the waiting-room outside.
. Please don’t allow your child to stand and/or jump on the chairs and furniture, no shoes on the chairs, and don’t let      your child sit on the armrest.
. In case you enjoyed coffee or tea, please place the cup you used in the “coffee-corner”.
. We have childrenbooks for children to read, after using please put them back in the library basket.
. Please see to it that children do not use the (decoration)materials as toys in a rough manner. 




Op de homepage van onze website staat het volgende over onze bedrijfsfilosofie. 
“1) Juist door kleinschaligheid (praktijk aan mijn huis) en een persoonlijke benadering, wil ik mijn zwemschool onderscheiden van de grote openbare inrichtingen.
2a) Voor de kinderen moeten de zwemlessen aangenaam zijn.

Zie de website “home” of klik op deze link: Home
2b) Voor de ouders moet het wachten aangenaam zijn.

De ouder moet rustig kunnen wachten, lezen, werk doornemen, enz. In de accommodatie heerst al 24 jaar een relaxte en aangename sfeer, die sfeer wil ik graag behouden. De accommodatie biedt ruimte aan de ouders van de 3 kinderen die les hebben (en bij de wisseling 2 keer dit aantal). Vandaar aandacht hiervoor in mijn voorwaarden.”
Zie voor verdere tekst de website “home” of klik op deze link Home

• Because of the small scale waitingroom it is not allowed to bring (foot)balls, big playing materials like               autopeds/scooters, skateboards, etc.
• I understand that a child can not be silent and can not sit still. But please forbid behaviour that is annoying for           others. 
• Please let a little brother/sister sit en play as much as possible at the table.
  Eating and drinking of children: please only at the table.
  Please do not let your child stroll in our waitingroom while  eating/crumbling or drinking/leaking.
• Please do not wait at the front of our house and please do not let your child play at the front of our house/the drive/ parking. This for safety reasons and possible damage to cars, as well for the good relations with our neigbours.

“kinderstoeltje bij een tafeltje, naast een Eames Lounge chair” [/expand]

For more impressions, click on “foto’s” in the menu.